The tables below set out the revised age pension rates. These will be applicable until 19 March 2016. Our Pension Estimator/Calculator has been updated to reflect these new rates. Age Pension rates increases Couple (each member of couple, per fortnight - including the Energy Supplement) 20 March 2015 20 September 2015 Increase $648.40 $653.50 $5.10 pf Single (each member of couple, per fortnight - including the Energy Supplement) 20 March 2015 20 September 2015 Increase $860.20 $867.00 $6.80 pf Please note that the Centrelink /Human Services site remains...
Your age pension concierge service for Centrelink. Case studies and observations on claiming and maintaining the Centrelink age pension in Australia. The objective of this blog is to inform and promote discussion. Information contained within is generic and does not constitute advice, and professional assistance is recommended before any action taken with Centrelink.