Our most popular recent blog entries have been the articles relating to issues on: couple earning $53k pa - $32,718 pa in pension and $20,000 pa wages and other income. how much will I lose in 2017. periodic work and the the work bonus scheme Age Pension Calculator and the Work Bonus Scheme Our Pension Calculator also includes an estimate of how much age pensioners may gain/lose come Jan 2017 - remembering that these changes are not grandfathered or tapered. So let’s combine all the above and update the situation whereby a home owning couple can have combined earnings of approx. $53,000 pa. Deemed Income First though we should explain that with respect to deemed income: we are treating the deemed income as an estimate for actual income, as this is the same way that Centrelink does. You may be able to achieve higher rates than those deeming Centrelink rates. Equally you may achieve less. For example Centrelink will assume that you will earn more t...
Your age pension concierge service for Centrelink. Case studies and observations on claiming and maintaining the Centrelink age pension in Australia. The objective of this blog is to inform and promote discussion. Information contained within is generic and does not constitute advice, and professional assistance is recommended before any action taken with Centrelink.