We recently assisted a number of financial advisors on methods to achieve the full pension while still working. To explain the options we will look at the process in small steps and be a bit simplistic. In subsequent post we will expand upon the scenario. Let's say we have a couple - Jack & Jill - who run a small business, are both of age pension age and are paying themselves a small wage. We may have both Jack and Jill paying themselves $6,500 per annum - which is the limit of the Work Bonus Scheme. Hence this combined $13,000 pa is exempt from the income test. Now lets say they have other earnings of $7,000 pa - such as additional income. More typical would be if this income were as a result of deemed income. For example they may have $250,000 in bank accounts - below the assets test - which results in a deemed income of just under $7,000 pa. Again this income is below the income test threshold of approx. $7,400 pa. So they now have a combined income of $20,000 pa - wag...
Your age pension concierge service for Centrelink. Case studies and observations on claiming and maintaining the Centrelink age pension in Australia. The objective of this blog is to inform and promote discussion. Information contained within is generic and does not constitute advice, and professional assistance is recommended before any action taken with Centrelink.